If you are already using a WordPress theme to power your website or blog, how is it working out for you so far? The fact is that these incredibly easy to use platforms are taking the blogging world by storm, and quite rightly so. You can choose a theme and be up and running in a matter of minutes. But the ease of use is also a double edged sword because many new users fail to set up certain actions and as a result, they lay themselves open to all kinds of gremlins at a later date. So we have decided to list 4 of these bloopers for your convenience and we’d strongly suggest that you check this article out before getting back to your blog!
Default Theme Blues
Okay, when you initially install WordPress onto your website, you will usually be faced with a default theme. These are simply a way for WordPress to allow you to start using their cool products. Most of us will want to start checking out ways to start making this bare bones template look a little more like their own creation. The problem with a default theme is that they are very basic and don’t really have a lot to give. Instead of wasting time on this bootstrap offering, try to look into more tweakable options. WP will allow you to browse for recent themes and you can also peruse the multitude of paid theme suppliers.
HTML markup
If you have chosen a suitable theme but are finding it hard to customise it to fit your ideas, it can be very tempting to dig into the HTML side of things as a fix option. If you have basic HTML skills, you may find it tempting to remove the code that offends you. The problem with this line of action is that WordPress is a static entity rather than dynamic and you could be causing some big issues that will transpire a little later on. Stick to the CSS code and ask for support help if necessary.
Avoiding Plugin Functionality
These little guys can take a lot of work onboard and never seem to complain, and ignore them at your peril. If you are a ‘hands on’ type of blogger, you may be tempted to do things your own way, but this isn’t always a cool idea. By avoiding the plugins, you could be missing out on Analytical functions that rely on these for ease of access.
WordPress Just For Blogs
Some of us will keep the main website and simply install the WordPress theme to the /blog area of your host server. This can cause issues when visitors try to access your site later on, There will be two separate style sheets and all kind of performance issues will arise as a result. If you are marketing Fixie bikes, think about using WordPress to power your entire site, you know this makes sense!
WordPress Ready?
Avoid these 4 bloopers and watch your blog grow in all the right places!